"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."

Friday 29 January 2016

Bog Time!

Scraper at the ready!! lol

Not a great deal of room in our shower room! 

Plumber anyone? 

Managed to find this little beauty

So much lovely wood on this boat hidden away...
Friday 29th January / 8am.... cant be bad! 
The cold snap has gone and we should be back upto 16 Deg next week which sounds weird if your use to living in the UK! The cold snap was a real reminder that life on an old wooden boat isn't for everyone. Wind chill of -2 some nights. We had both electric fires on full blast in the cabins and had to block up any unwanted holes! Blankets over the knees in the evenings! Its interesting cycling to the shower block only to find someone's used all the hot water! - yep- living the dream!  Tara's always wanted to sort out the heads! (bathroom). It had never really been 'finished off' by the Turkish boat-builders. Its a small space so we've decided to 'gut it' and start again. We've been out and about to find new taps and a shower mixer, plus we found a 'stand alone' porcelain bowl ( You know, the ones like in those posh houses), but this is a mini version and looks great. Just what you might have seen on an old boat back in the 1940's. Were fitting perspex panels today and painting. Things are warming up tomorrow, so we will then crack on with the remaining jobs outside. Times flying .... March can be hot here and we have plenty of exploring to do this summer, so we will both be very busy for the next 6 weeks finishing everything off.

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